What an exciting weekend its been! We had a baby colt born Sunday morning - it's doing fine and is beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful babies I can't believe how well Danny is growing. Now that he is getting older (3 months old this week!) his days are becoming more stable. He is only getting 2 bottles a day now (sometimes three if he acts like he needs it), his hay and grain consumption are going up. He's got his routine of when he's allowed out of his stall to visit the other animals.
One of the dangers that we are now encountering is that he has no fear. We need to keep him in his stall when we are driving the tractors around because we're afraid he will get too close and hurt himself. He is just trying to be with us and follow us around, but he has no fear of moving vehicles. That was probably something that his natural mother would have taught him. But of course, he sees us getting in and out and starting them up and nothing happens. So he has learned to believe that vehicles are safe. We'll have to pay attention to this as he gets older - my concern is that he won't get out of the way when we are trying to drive up the driveway. Of course, during the spring and summer when we have animals running around they sometimes forget to get out of the way as well, so maybe he'll fit right in!
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