In our ongoing struggle for Danny to make friends, we've had him out in the arena with the ewes and their babies. The babies just love playing with Danny - they bounce over and run around him. Danny, on the other hand, has been a little slow on the uptake. He hasn't quite got the handle on the give and take required for playtime. He either stands still while the lambs bounce around him or he runs off in another direction. I'm sure in time he'll get it.
The picture isn't very good, but it's a picture of Danny standing beside one of the maternity pens with a Dorset sheep in it and you can just make it by Danny's front feet another little white object. This is the ewe's lamb. We always build our maternity pens so that the lambs can get out and run around and visit back and forth. So the lamb and Danny were visiting back and forth. It's interesting because some lambs just ignore Danny, while others lambs are always right up to him. But we see that in all of our herds of animals - some animals gravitate towards each other and can always be found in each others company - best friends forever.
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