We'll probably wait until until Spring is officially here in another couple months, but his behaviour the past few days have made me very hopeful!
You can really tell in this picture the way his colour is delineated. We don't normally shear our babies until after their first birthday, so he won't be sheared until Spring 2009, but I am already looking at his fiber and thinking of things we could make out of that great fibre and grey colour. We have a number of white llamas/alpacas, a multitude of browns and fawn/rose coloured and even a few dark brown/black colours, but he is our first grey. So Danny is exciting for us on a number of fronts.
Next week we are going to start doing some serious halter training with him. That will make it safer for him and easier for us to move him around the ranch. That way we can safely lead him outside to play. If it goes well I'll take more photos!
Hey Wylie, I don't know much about Llamas(or even if I've spelled it correctly) . . . however Danny looks fine to me . . . him running and playing!!Good Job!!
Thanks JD. It's been a real experience working with a baby llama, but I'm hoping we're getting the hang of it.
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