Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Turning Into Our Little Man

It's been a big few weeks for Danny as he has gone from really being a baby into being a little man. Learning how to live with Sandy was a real turning point for him. Sandy weaned herself off the bottle first. And then around the third week of April, Danny started drinking less and less from a bottle and finally one day he took a gulp, swished it around, and let it dribble out to the ground. We tried again the next day to feed him his bottle but he wanted nothing to do with it. So now he is on hay and grain and water full time. They grow up so soon!

He is also trying to be more dominant. When he is walking around the yard he wants to be first and now Sandy is following him around. They are inseparable and Sandy keeps a close eye on him - keeping him out of travel and showing him how to traverse around the yard.

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