It's been a long time coming, but Danny and Sandy were finally playing around when I had my camera with me.
In both these pictures Danny is doing his best to push Sandy around. The one to the left where Danny look kind of weird shaped is because he is snaking his neck over Sandy - kind of like a big C. This is a typical Llama move when they are playing (or fighting or . . . ) in that they swing their heads from side to side and kind of weave them around.
The picture below is Danny trying to push Sandy around. She had already had her turn trying to head butt him and now he is doing his best to push her over. When she head butts him it's into his side because of the size difference. When he pushes her he does it with his chest because his neck and head are taller. He does a little scissor kick leap as well when they are playing that is just adorable.

We finally had a spot of nice weather and the birds are migrating. The Killdeer, Mountain Bluebird and a few additional varieties of woodpeckers are back. As well, our family of Sandhill Cranes arrived just before the weekend! They will be here until September as they nest and live in our back fields. Oh, and the Pelicans are working their way north - they left the Okanagan last week and should be here sometime in the next week or two. We are on their migratory route which makes for great birding - along with the Trumpeter Swans. Our lakes are slow in melting this year because it continues to be cold, so any open water is full of American Coots, Common Goldeneye, Barrow's Goldeneye, Lesser Scaup, American Wigeon, even some Long-billed Curlew. As you can tell I am part of the local birding group - I just love migratory season. Although I don't do much more than keep track of what's on the ranch I do go and see what's arriving at other ranches and lakes.
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